Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just ask Stef

So the other day, i had a great desire to write on here about something amazing. To my dismay, I realized that i have a pretty repetitive life, and in consequence to that, i could not think of anything awesome enough to write about. Pathetically enough, i couldn't even brain storm anything fun to write about, so what did i do? I asked my sister of course. Here was her response. ...
"Dearest Penelope Kaddidlehopper,
Such topics might include, breath mints, sunscreen, eyeliner, one's inability to swallow a pill, but can down a whole strawberry, banana splits, mustard on potato chips, what subjects one is taking at school, daycare/preschool faux paus, turtle necks, The joys of being related to someone named Stefanie, a dog, a horse and an elephant too, the value of a tomato, holes in ones socks, flip flops, random pains in the buttox, tinsel, paper plates, gizmos and gadgets, the 6 cutest kids you ever met in your whole gosh-darn existence.... there are many more in this plethora if you desire further assistance.
Thank you for your ongoing contact, and updates. Enjoy your day and good health to you.
Best of Luck,

Of course i'm going to have to write about all of these topics now. So get excited! Awesome blogs coming soon! -Sam

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Sam - you never cease to amaze me!! And that sister of yours sounds hecka-awesome!!