So, I got tagged. I'm supposed to write about 6 things i'm ocd about. This should be fun..
1. I constantly have to be washing my hands, and if i don't have soap and water near by, i use hand sanitizer. (even though, i know it doesn't always get rid of the germs, it's more of a security feeling) I have hand sanitizer on my keys, in my purse, on my desk, and at my work.
2. I hate it when the toilet paper roll goes under. It has to go over the top, and if i ever come to your house for a visit and it rolls under, i will fix it for you.
3. My closet... it's arranged in two rows. The first row is my short sleeved shirts. They all face one way and they are arranged by color. It goes red/pink, orange, yellow, green, blue purple, then to stripes, brown, white, gray, and black, and then any miscellaneous. The second row is the same, but it is with my long sleeved shirts. It has to be this way, and if one shirt is out of place, it bugs me and i fix it right away
4. When i put a pan on the stove, the handle always has to go to the right, no matter what burner it is on.
5. When i go up or down the stairs, i always have to count them.
6. If something is on display at a grocery store or something, and one of the items is turned or crooked I always want to fix it. If i have the time I will fix it. If I don't have the time and i don't fix it, it haunts me the rest of the day.
I choose to tag Brooke, Stef, and Kayla on this, and anyone else that feels like doing it
Today, i went to the grocery store. I bought two cans of chips, three cups of noodle, milk, a block of cheese, and a can of corn all under ten dollars! Yay! Also i filled my tank up the other day on only 15.25 It was wonderful!
Growing up, i always slept on cotton pillows. I never thought much of it either until I was about twelve, i slept on and discovered the glorious night time feel of feather pillows. From there on out, i always wanted a feather pillow. They seemed to me that they were more form fitting, and much puffier and soft. but life goes on, and i kept to my cotton. It wasn't so bad and i was just happy to have a pillow. I moved out this fall to an apartment that was fully furnished, (including a bed and a mattress) much to my dismay, the mattress was about as comfortable as a park bench on a frozen night. It was about this time, i forgot about the absence of the feathers in my pillow, and grew to REALLY appreciate the cotton pillows. It wasn't long until my awesome aunt Mikki discovered what i was sleeping on, and you'll never guess what she bought me... A feather padding! This is better than just comfort for your face. It's for your whole body! Woot! It's a wonderful padding, and it has done me well. Lately, however, the feathers have started to poke out all over, and it's not the most comfortable thing. I don't know how they poke out like that, but when they do it's feels like needles. I've also discovered that sometimes they like to leak out, and on occasion i will find a feather here or there just lying around or in my bed. Lame, I've decided that cotton pillows is the way to go after all.
Fact: Facebook is a wonderful thing, made specifically for college aged students, but used by all ages Opinion: When people are old enough to have college aged student, they're too old for facebook.
So Brooke and i are pretty much the biggest losers on the face of the planet, but we don't care. We love to take random pictures wherever we can. This one was at Barns park i believe.